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This  teaches you to recovery our window xp  when it says *.* file is  missing or corrupt on booting.
  • You should have a Bootable window's xp CD with its key.
  • Start your computer and look for the file that is missing or corrupt. (say NTOSKRNL.EXE)

  • Eject the tray of your CD/DVD ROM, put CD into it and thenrestart the computer.

  • Now press any key to boot from cd and follow the instructions.

  • Press R for recovery console, when the below screen appears.

  • Now, you have to write some commands in command prompt.
  • Enter the serial no of window to be recovered. Here we have just 1window so we must use 1. After entering the no, press enter. 
  • Write C:\WINDOWS\map to check the names of your CD/DVD DRIVE.
  • I'll use D for the proceess. You must use your drive name.
  • Now enter CD SYSTEM32.
  • Now enter DIR NTOSKRNL.EXE command. This shows the directory of our target file. 
  • If every thing seems usual then del that file named NTOSKRNL.EXE by using DEL NTOSKRNL.EXE command. That will delete the corrupted file.
  • Come out of inner directories by entering CD.. command.
  • Now change the drive. Remember that CD/DVD RIVE name . Mine was D.
  • Now enter CD i386.
  • Now copy the ntoskrnl.exe into your c:\windows\system32 directory. 
  • enter command copy ntoskrnl.ex_ c:\windows\system3\ntoskrnl1.exe.
  • Now restart your computer. Is your computer booting properly or not. If yes then you have suscesfully recovered your windows.

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