this tutorial shows the pin discription for all mother board identical to D865GBF/D865GLC.
Figure shows the location of internal headers.(click to enlarge) |
1]Connecting Front Panel
Audio headers or pins
Figure 1 [A] shows
the location of the front panel audio header. Table shows the pin
assignments for the front panel audio header.
Front Panel Audio Header Signal Names
Pin | Signal Name | Pin | Signal Name |
1 | AUD-MIC | 2 | AUD-GND |
3 | AUD-MIC-BIAS | 4 | AUD-VCC |
5 | AUD-FPOUT | 6 | AUD-RET-R |
7 | HP-ON | 8 | KEY |
9 | AUD-FPOUT | 10 | AUD-RET-L |